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Massachusetts Sheriffs


The Massachusetts Sheriffs’ Association represents the collective voice of all Massachusetts Sheriffs. One of its primary responsibilities is to advance legislative initiatives that address the care and custody needs of incarcerated individuals while ensuring health and safety. The MSA monitors all legislation both on the state and federal level that impacts our criminal justice system. We work with legislators, advocates, and public health and safety officials to develop policies and practices that best reflects the unique needs of the Sheriff's Offices.


Legislative Initiatives

2024 Legislation Letters

MSA Letter of Support_ Domestic Violence Awareness
MSA Letter of Support_ FIGHT Act
MSA Letter of Opposition_HB2314 and SB1541
MSA Letter of Opposition_HB2325 and SB1493 

MSA Letter of Opposition_HB2394 and SB1477 
MSA Letter of Support_HB2422
MSA Letter of Support_HB2338
MSA Letter of Support_SB1506
MSA Letter of Support_SB1604
MSA Letter to Conference Committee_ June 2024
MSA Letter of Support_ An Act to Increase Access to Disposable Menstrual Products

Special Commission on Correction Funding (101 Commission)

The FY 2020 budget established the Special Commission on Correctional Funding. For two years the Commission worked to understand the funding needs of the Sheriff's Offices and the Department of Corrections. This was a collaboration that demonstrated the effectiveness of working collectively to improve reporting, create unified metrics, and understand the funding needs to support programming. The Special Commission on Correctional Funding and the MSA are both working towards similar goals- make the most efficient use of taxpayer money while ensuring the state’s correctional structure sets high standards to return people back to the community better than when they were first incarcerated. Bristol County Sheriff Thomas Hodgson, Essex County Sheriff Kevin Coppinger, and retired Sheriff Michael Ashe were honored to be on the Commission representing the Sheriffs across the state.

More Information:
Final Report:

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
The MSA continues to partner with the Department of Health and legislative leaders to expand funding to support Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in all county correctional facilities in the Commonwealth. MAT programs are designed to assist people with opioid-use disorder. The program calls for the administration of all three FDA approved forms of MAT: Naltrexone (Vivitrol), Methadone, and Buprenorphine (Suboxone). Providing MAT during incarceration can be life changing, reducing the likelihood of an opioid overdose fatality upon release, improving health outcomes, reducing recidivism, and ultimately saving lives.


View the MAT press conference video


Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy (MIEP)
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) approved the Massachusetts' 1115 MIEP Demonstration Amendment to provide pre-release MassHealth services to eligible individuals in correctional institutions, 90 days prior to release. 


The MA 1115 MIEP Demonstration has been a collaborative achievement with Mass Health, EOPSS, and the MSA working side by side. The anticipated outcomes include enhanced public safety, reduced overdose deaths, and improved health equity. The MSA has a strong collaborative history with MassHealth, working closely on initiatives such as pre-release services and the statewide Behavioral Health Supports for Justice Involved Individuals (BH-JI). This collaboration addresses the increasing needs of the population, including substance use disorders, mental health and physical health conditions.


It is estimated that over 75% of the incarcerated individuals here in the Commonwealth have a substance use, mental health and/or cooccurring disorder. The MSA has been advocating for years for the need to eliminate the MIEP. Expanding the health coverage for eligible incarcerated individuals can and will change lives. The MSA and Sheriffs are ready and preparing to implement this initiative over the next several years.


44 School Street
Suite 300
Boston, MA 02108

(857) 239-8955

Founded in March of 1983, the Massachusetts Sheriffs’ Association (MSA) supports, promotes, and advocates for each of the 14 Sheriffs Offices in the Commonwealth.

Executive Director: Carrie Hill, Esq.

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© 2025 Massachusetts Sheriffs' Association

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