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Norfolk County Sheriff Names Newest Recipient of Norfolk County Hero Award

Updated: Nov 22, 2022

Judith Foster, a Medfield resident, is the most recent recipient of the Norfolk County Heroes Award for her efforts to help victims of trauma recover through her Nature Healing Walks.

Norfolk County Sheriff Patrick McDermott announced Judith Foster, a Medfield resident, as the most recent recipient of the Norfolk County Heroes Award. Foster is receiving the award in recognition of her efforts to help victims of trauma recover through her Nature Healing Walks and programming with the Healing Empathy Redemption Oasis (H.E.R.O.) Nurturing Center.

Foster founded the H.E.R.O. Nurturing Center to help individuals who have experienced trauma begin to process and heal. Foster leads participants on Nature Healing Walks that help them feel connected to the natural world and help raise awareness of the need to protect nature. The Nature Healing Walks are an activity that has helped her begin to heal following the loss of her son, who was murdered in 2013. Since 2014, the H.E.R.O. Nurturing Center has expanded to include service trips to Cuba for first responders and environmental justice reform advocacy.

“Judith’s empathetic and compassionate approach to helping people heal from trauma is more than soothing – it’s lifesaving,” said Sheriff McDermott. “By helping others along the process of healing, Judith is demonstrating that trauma may inform who we are, but it does not have to define who we are. Her work is essential and the very definition of what it means to be a hero.”

For more information on Foster’s work with the H.E.R.O. Nurturing Center visit

The Norfolk County Heroes Award was created to recognize acts of heroism, community building, and public service by residents of Norfolk County. To nominate someone for the Norfolk County Heroes Award, visit

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